Minggu, 29 April 2012

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Thought Conditioners, by Norman Vincent Peale

  • Sales Rank: #860573 in Books
  • Published on: 1989-12-10
  • Dimensions: 6.00" h x .1" w x 4.00" l, .6 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 24 pages
  • Pocket-size booklet

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Believer
I use Thought Conditioners and Positive Affirmations to facilitate reframing and changing my Clients negative thoughts.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By IndiVee
I want more so I can share with many others :}

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Anyone who memorizes the thoughts recommended in this pamphlet
By Lucy Hartman
Anyone who memorizes the thoughts recommended in this pamphlet, and reviews them lifelong will be well armed for success, no matter what happens in the world, their circles, and life in general.

See all 23 customer reviews...

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Jumat, 27 April 2012

[B254.Ebook] Ebook Download Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1), by Homer Hickam

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Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1), by Homer Hickam

Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1), by Homer Hickam

Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1), by Homer Hickam

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Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1), by Homer Hickam

"Until I began to build and launch rockets, I didn't know my home town was at war with itself over its children, and that my parents were locked in a kind of bloodless combat over how my brother and I would live our lives. I didn't know that if a girl broke your heart, another girl, virtuous at least in spirit, could mend it on the same night. And I didn't know that the enthalpy decrease in a converging passage could be transformed into jet kinetic energy if a divergent passage was added. The other boys discovered their own truths when we built our rockets, but those were mine."

So begins Homer "Sonny" Hickam Jr.'s extraordinary memoir of life in Coalwood, West Virginia-a hard-scrabble little company town where the only things that mattered were coal mining and high school football. But in 1957, after the Soviet satellite Sputnik shot across the Appalachian sky, Sonny and his teenaged friends decided to do their bit for the U.S. space race by building their own rockets—and Coalwood, Sonny and A powerful story of growing up and of getting out, of a mother's love and a father's fears, Homer Hickam's memoir Rocket Boys proves, like Angela's Ashes and Russell Baker's Growing Up before it, that the right storyteller and the right story can touch readers' hearts and enchant their souls.

In a town where the only things that mattered were coal-mining and high-school football, where the future was regarded with more fear than hope, a young man watched the Soviet satellite Sputnik race across the West Virginia sky—and soon found his future in the stars. In 1957, Homer H. "Sonny" Hickam, Jr., and a handful of his friends were inspired to start designing and launching the home-made rockets that would change their lives and their town forever.

Looking back after a distinguished NASA career, Hickam shares the story of his youth, taking readers into the life of the little mining town of Coalwood and the boys who would come to embody its dreams. Step by step, with the help (and occasional hindrance) of a collection of unforgettable characters, the boys learn not only how to turn scrap into sophisticated rockets that fly miles into the sky, but how to sustain their dreams as they dared to imagine a life beyond its borders in a town that the postwar boom was passing by.

Rocket Boys has already caught the eye of Hollywood: The producer of Field of Dreams is now working to produce a major motion picture in time for next year's Academy Awards.

A uniquely endearing story with universal themes of class, family, coming of age, and the thrill of discovery, Homer Hickam's Rocket Boys is evocative, vivid storytelling at its most magical.

  • Sales Rank: #64225 in Books
  • Color: Multicolor
  • Published on: 1998-09-15
  • Released on: 1998-09-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.28" h x 1.23" w x 5.53" l, 1.13 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 384 pages

Amazon.com Review
Inspired by Werner von Braun and his Cape Canaveral team, 14-year-old Homer Hickam decided in 1957 to build his own rockets. They were his ticket out of Coalwood, West Virginia, a mining town that everyone knew was dying--everyone except Sonny's father, the mine superintendent and a company man so dedicated that his family rarely saw him. Hickam's smart, iconoclastic mother wanted her son to become something more than a miner and, along with a female science teacher, encouraged the efforts of his grandiosely named Big Creek Missile Agency. He grew up to be a NASA engineer and his memoir of the bumpy ride toward a gold medal at the National Science Fair in 1960--an unprecedented honor for a miner's kid--is rich in humor as well as warm sentiment. Hickam vividly evokes a world of close communal ties in which a storekeeper who sold him saltpeter warned, "Listen, rocket boy. This stuff can blow you to kingdom come." Hickam is candid about the deep disagreements and tensions in his parents' marriage, even as he movingly depicts their quiet loyalty to each other. The portrait of his ultimately successful campaign to win his aloof father's respect is equally affecting. --Wendy Smith

From Publishers Weekly
Great memoirs must balance the universal and the particular. Too much of the former makes it overly familiar; too much of the latter makes readers ask what the story has to do with them. In his debut, Hickam, a retired NASA engineer, walks that line beautifully. On one level, it's the story of a teenage boy who learns about dedication, responsibility, thermodynamics and girls. On the other hand, it's about a dying way of life in a coal town where the days are determined by the rhythms of the mine and the company that controls everything and everybody. Hickam's father is Coalwood, W.Va.'s mine superintendent, whose devotion to the mine is matched only by his wife's loathing for it. When Sputnik inspires "Sonny" with an interest in rockets, she sees it not as a hobby but as a way to escape the mines. After an initial, destructive try involving 12 cherry bombs, Sonny and his cronies set up the Big Creek Missile Agency (BCMA). From Auk I (top altitude, six feet), through Auk XXXI (top altitude, 31,000 feet), the boys experiment with nozzles, fins and, most of all, fuel, graduating from a basic black powder to "rocket candy" (melted potassium chlorate and sugar) to "Zincoshine" (zinc, sulfur, moonshine). But Coalwood is the real star, here. Teachers, clergy, machinists, town gossips, union, management, everyone become co-conspirators in the BCMA's explosive three-year project. Hickam admits to taking poetic license in combining characters and with the sequence of events, and if there is any flaw, it's that the people and the narrative seem a little too perfect. But no matter how jaded readers have become by the onslaught of memoirs, none will want to miss the fantastic voyage of BCMA, Auk and Coalwood. First serial to Life. 10-city author tour. (Sept.) FYI: Rocket Boys is currently in production at Universal, which plans to release it later this year.
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal
Hickam recalls his distinguished NASA career, which all started when he saw Sputnik as a little boy and began designing and launching homemade rockets. With a ten-city author tour.
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Who Knew There Were Rocket Boys Everywhere in 1959
By Charles S. Funk
I have read at most a half dozen books in my life that would earn five stars. This was close. This is a touching memoir of a young man's rites of passage and gives an insight into his family environment and more. That insight is richly developed and necessary to understand the things that drove him to fulfill his passion. I probably share a greater interest and identify more clearly with Homer because I am a year older and indeed built rockets when I was in high school, spurred on by the launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957. Like Homer, I had failures but I also had access to resources he did not including engineers at a company that manufactured anti-aircraft missiles. Like Homer, I entered a local science fair and won in my class and went to the state fair. Like Homer, I encountered projects worthy of doctoral dissertations that had obviously consumed hundreds if not thousands of 1959 dollars. I won 4th place overall.

I had to share that to help anyone reading this understand better why this book was a satisfying read. It may not be such for everyone.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Memoir of a young man who builds rockets
By Mary Boyd
A warmly and well written memoir by a man who grew up in a small coal-mining town in West Virginia who with 4 of his high school classmates learns how to build rockets and enter a national science fair. Every chapter is full of funny and unexpected happenings. The story teaches about how science experiments are done, and how to face up to failure over and over until one succeeds. It also shows the power of a great teacher and how a community can rally behind individuals.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A fascinating read.
By AArne
I remember seeing Sputnik pass overhead in a north to south orbit as I stood awed with my buddy Jackie in my neighbor's yard.
Reading the adventures of another boy in the same time period brought the realization that although Massachusetts and West Virginia are miles apart we shared multiple experiences. A joy to read and remember.

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Kamis, 12 April 2012

[R466.Ebook] Free PDF On Purposeful Systems, by Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Fred E. Emery

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On Purposeful Systems, by Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Fred E. Emery

This book provides an innovative foundation for looking at human and social behavior û as a system of purposeful (teleological) events. It uses a systems theoretical approach for the study of these phenomena, and illustrates and extends general systems theory.

Part One develops the concepts of traditional mechanism from which, successively, the concepts of "function," "choice," "goal-seeking," and "purposefulness" are derived, leading to a quantitative formulation of "personality". Part Two provides an analysis of aspects of purposeful behavior and personality, and Part Three explores the interaction of purposeful systems. Part Four is concerned with the study of social groups and ideal-seeking behavior. Finally, structural concepts underpinning the theoretical system are redefined in technological terms, thus demonstrating the non-vicious circularity and interdependence of all scientific concepts.

  • Sales Rank: #1738996 in Books
  • Published on: 1972
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Number of items: 3
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 288 pages


"What makes this book æmagical' is that Ackoff provides æoperational definitions' for many ill-defined words and concepts--from defining æknowledge' and æunderstanding' to providing definitions of feelings/emotions.... In terms of Kuhn's idea of æparadigm shifts'--this book represents a shift that has yet to be appreciated, thirty years later." 

—W. Curtiss Priest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

About the Author

Russell L. Ackoff is chairman of the board of the Institute for Interactive Management. Since 1986 he has been the Anheuser-Busch Professor Emeritus of Management Science, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is also the Anheuser-Busch Visiting Professor of Marketing, Olin School of Business, Washington University, St. Louis. He was former chairman of the Social Systems Science Department and the Busch Center, which specializes in systems planning, research, and design. Dr. Ackoff is the author and co-author of nineteen books. 

Fred E. Emery was Senior Research Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra. Previously he was chairman of the Human Resources Centre at the Tavistock Institute, and a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto. 

Brent D. Ruben is executive director of the Center for Organizational Development and Leadership, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. He is the author or editor of many books in the areas of communication and information systems, higher education and organization development, and intercultural communication, including Communication and Human Behavior; Pursuing Excellence in Higher Education: Eight Fundamental Principles;and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Communication.

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
A masterful guide to designing a better world
By W. C. Priest
In 1970 I taught from this book when it was entitled
"Choice, Communication and Conflict"
What makes this book "magical" is Ackoff (from his
management and behavioral science roots) provides
"operational definitions" for many ill-defined words
and concepts -- from defining 'knowledge' & 'understanding'
to providing definitions of feelings/emotions that --
operationally -- you know -- that if certain events take
place in a person's life, that you know the feeling they
This is only a glimmer of what this book is about. In
terms of Kuhn's idea of "paradigm shifts" -- this book
represents a shift that has yet to be appreciated, thirty
years later !

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Creating Humanlike Systems
By Osei Kufuor
This is the best book on creating systems that can reason like humans, not artificial intelligent systems which do not have the capabilities to reason like humans.

0 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
an excellent seller
By kaladan
The item was better than advertised, the shipment was prompt, the service excellent and friendly. I highly recommend this seller.

See all 3 customer reviews...

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Minggu, 08 April 2012

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I Am Not Spock, by Leonard Nimoy

First time in trade paperback: the memoir by the late Leonard Nimoy, best remembered for his portrayal as everyone's favorite Vulcan, Spock, in Star Trek, the TV series and films.

Leonard Nimoy's portrayal of the ever-logical Vulcan, Mr. Spock, is one of the most recognizable, loved, and pervasive characterizations in popular culture. He had been closer to the phenomenon of Star Trek than anyone, having played the pivotal role of Spock in the original series, in six motion pictures, and in a special two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I AM SPOCK gives us Nimoy's unique perspective on the beginnings of the Star Trek phenomenon, on his relationship with his costars, and particularly on the reaction of the pointed-eared alien that Nimoy knew best.

Here, Nimoy shared the true story behind his perceived reticence to re-create the role and wrote frankly about how his portrayal defined an icon.

  • Sales Rank: #1028273 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Celestial Arts
  • Published on: 1975
  • Released on: 1976-02-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 135 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
An internationally known stage, film and television actor, Leonard Nimoy directed several major motion pictures, including The Good Mother, Three Men and a Baby, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Best remembered for his role as Mr. Spock of the Star Trek series, Nimoy is also the author of I Am Not Spock.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
you will be enriched by the gentle, poetic nature of this brilliant, compassionate man
By avid reader
I was totally submerged in this book from the first page. I could hear Leonard Nimoy's voice ( and Spock's voice!) telling the story of Star Trek from TOS and throughout his life.If you are a fan of TOS you must read this book. If you are a fan of humanity, you will be enriched by the gentle poetic nature of this brilliant, compassionate man. He is a treasure, now crowned in glory in Heaven. LL&P

115 of 116 people found the following review helpful.
Enjoyable. Spock fans will love it.
By A Customer
This book is well-written and intelligent. Since I read Nimoy's later autobiography, "I Am Spock," first, that probably changed my perception of what might have been a 5-star review. Many anecdotes from this first book are incorporated into the second, but not all. Also, I find Nimoy's maturer style more insightful, as well it should be. (Some readers do prefer the young, "unjaded" personality that comes through in "I Am Not Spock," and that's understandable, too.) The second book came after the Star Trek movies, and is, therefore, a more complete life story. If you find this book expensive or can only afford one book, buy the second book. Die-hard Spock fans, however (of which I am one), will enjoy reading both books. Nimoy's voice in "I Am Not Spock" is clearly the voice of a youth of the 1960's, and in that respect, it does take one closer to the source, as this '60's cultural identity was influential in the formation of the "Spock" character. On the other hand, it takes the maturer voice of his second book to point out that fact. By the way, don't think he knocks the "Spock" character in this book. After reading "I Am Spock," I was curious to discover whether Nimoy had really loved Spock all along, as he insisted, or if he'd had an early disenchantment with the character, only to regret it later and try to backpedal in his second book to dispell the negative vibes that followed "I Am Not Spock." Not a chance: in "I Am Not Spock," it is immediately apparent that Nimoy loves Spock. And, although he would like for people to understand Nimoy as a well-rounded, human individual, (including the woman who insisted he stop trying to look like that Spock man on TV!) he never disavows the character, "Spock," to achieve his aim. Critics who claimed Nimoy hated "Spock" obviously didn't read past the title of this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Love the book
By Amazon Customer
I did not regret getting this book. It's nice to read about one of the most inspiring people in star trek.

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Senin, 02 April 2012

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Voyage: Visions in Color and Form, by Claude Sieber

Voyage: Visions in Color and Form, by Claude Sieber

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Voyage: Visions in Color and Form, by Claude Sieber

This large-size book comprises colour illustrations of the visual properties of teeth, both natural and restored. It uses cross-sections and other perspectives to show each tooth's unique structure and form, with a focus on light transmission, reflection, and absorption through enamel and dentin.

  • Sales Rank: #4166614 in Books
  • Published on: 1994-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 13.25" h x 10.00" w x .75" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 143 pages

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: German

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A Must for Any one in the Dental Field
By Jesse R Taylor
This book is a must. For dental tech's there is tons to learn just by looking at the high-quality photos. Beautiful examples of different smile types and tooth shapes and shades, detailed looks at surface texture, surface morphology, internal effects and mammelon formations. I especially like the cross-section photos they really help techs understand the structure of real teeth and restored examples also. For dentist I feel it would make and excellent communication tool between dentist and patient and, dentist and ceramist/ lab. And if nothing else it a great coffee table book. Think of the conversations that would erupt.

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