Jumat, 30 April 2010

[P195.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

Get Free Ebook Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

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Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

Get Free Ebook Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

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Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz

The celebrated photographer Annie Leibovitz, author of the New York Times bestselling book A Photographer's Life, provides the stories, and technical description, of how some of her most famous images came to be. Starting in 1974, with her coverage of Nixon's resignation, and culminating with her controversial portraits of Queen Elizabeth II early in 2007, Leibovitz explains what professional photographers do and how they do it. The photographer in this instance is the most highly paid and prolific person in the business. Approximately 90 images are discussed in detail -- the circumstances under which they were taken, with specific technical information (what camera, what settings, what lighting, where the images appeared). The Rolling Stones' tour in 1975, the famous nude session with John Lennon and Yoko Ono hours before Lennon was killed, the American Express and Gap campaigns, Whoopi Goldberg in a bathtub of milk, Demi Moore pregnant and naked on the cover of Vanity Fair, and coverage of the couture collections in Paris with Puff Daddy and Kate Moss are among the subjects of this original and informative work. The photos and stories are arranged chronologically, moving from film to digital. Leibovitz's fans and lovers of great photography will find her stories of how one learns to see -- and then how to photograph -- inspiring.

  • Sales Rank: #2929944 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-12-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.72" h x 1.02" w x 7.48" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages

Amazon.com Review
Book Description
“The first thing I did with my very first camera was climb Mt. Fuji. Climbing Mt. Fuji is a lesson in determination and moderation. It would be fair to ask if I took the moderation part to heart. But it certainly was a lesson in respecting your camera. If I was going to live with this thing, I was going to have to think about what that meant. There were not going to be any pictures without it."
—Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz describes how her pictures were made, starting with Richard Nixon's resignation, a story she covered with Hunter S. Thompson, and ending with Barack Obama's campaign. In between are a Rolling Stones Tour, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, The Blues Brothers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Keith Haring, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Patti Smith, George W. Bush, William S. Burroughs, Kate Moss and Queen Elizabeth. The most celebrated photographer of our time discusses portraiture, reportage, fashion photography, lighting, and digital cameras.

Amazon Exclusive Essay: Annie Leibovitz on Photography

In 1977, when Jann Wenner, the editor of Rolling Stone, asked me to prepare a fifty-page portfolio of my pictures for the tenth anniversary issue of the magazine, I decided not to simply make a selection of photographs that had been published. I looked at everything I had done since I started working. It was a revelation. For one thing, I had no idea that I had accumulated so many photographs. You lose track of them when you’re working every day. And you see the work in a different way when you look at it from the distance of time. You get a sense of where you are going. You start to see a life.

I had the opportunity to edit my work most thoroughly when I prepared two retrospective books, Annie Leibovitz: 1970–1990 and A Photographer’s Life: 1990–2005. It was thrilling to see that first book laid out chronologically. To see the pictures historically. The second book, A Photographer’s Life, was assembled immediately after the death of Susan Sontag and my father. Editing the book took me through the grieving process.

The books are pure. They are mine. The magazines I work for don’t belong to me. It’s the editor’s magazine, and the editor has every right to use the material the way he or she wants to. It isn’t just that art directors and editors at magazines make selections that I wouldn’t necessarily make. Which they sometimes do. Or that they run pictures too small. Or that they put so much type on the pictures that you can’t see them anymore. Magazines have quite specific needs. It’s a collaboration only so far, which is true of almost all assignment work.

When I began working on my new book, I thought it would be a pamphlet of maybe forty pages or so. I intended to take ten of my photographs and dissect them. They didn’t have to be my most famous pictures, just pictures that I cared about. But as I began going through the material I realized that I might as well be more ambitious. I started to think that I would try to answer every single question anyone has ever asked about how my work is done. To defuse the mystery, and the misconceptions. To explain that it’s nothing more than work. And learning how to see.

So my forty-page pamphlet became a 240-page book with over a hundred photographs in it. It is written for someone like the person I was at the beginning of my career, when I was in art school. A young me. I didn’t know which road I would take. Whether it would be a commercial road, a magazine road, an artistic road, a journalistic road. It’s written for that person. Someone who is interested in photography but isn’t sure how they want to use it.

The book is more emotional than I had imagined it would be. But, most importantly, it is my edit. No one is going to care about, or understand, your work the way you do, and if you are going to explain it you have to be able to present it the way you want to. That’s what a book can do better than any other medium.

See Annie Leibovitz's 15 favorite photography books.

(Photo credit Paul Gilmore)

"Undoubtedly one of the world's best photographers. Annie Leibovitz at Work is a must have collection" Aesthetica

About the Author
Annie Leibovitz's witty, powerful portraits have appeared on magazine covers for more than twenty-five years. Her astute observations of American popular culture appeared first in her legendary work for Rolling Stone in the 1970s and have continued through her long affiliation with Vanity Fair and Vogue. Leibovitz has worked with several artistic organizations, including American Ballet Theatre and the Mark Morris Dance Group, and with Mikhail Baryshnikov's dance projects. Women, a book of Leibovitz's portraits, with an essay by Susan Sontag, was published in 1999. Her 2006 book, A Photographer's Life, was a New York Times bestseller. Leibovitz is the recipient of many honours, including both first and second place in the American Society of Magazine Editors' recent compilation of the 40 top magazine covers of the past 40 years. Leibovitz was designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress in 2000 and an Officier in the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2002. Smithsonian Magazine named her one of the 35 Innovators of Our Time in November 2005.

Most helpful customer reviews

201 of 203 people found the following review helpful.
The mind of the artist
By Julie Neal
I bought this book because as a small travel publisher I have quite a library of photography books, and I thought this would be a unique addition.

I was right, but it's not what I expected.

A better title would be "Annie Leibovitz: On Work."

This is not a coffee table book, and it's not mainly photographs. For each image there's at least a full page of editorial, maybe two or three pages, as the author describes how each shot came about and her thoughts about the experience. The book is smaller than you might think--a little shorter and narrower than a Time magazine--and the photos smaller than you'd expect. Few are larger than a postcard.

There's no dust jacket, just a paper band that wraps around the bottom.

I was expecting the book to include technical shot-by-shot details, with background images showing reflectors, stylists and such. No such luck. Leibovitz does, however, include an insightful essay about the equipment she has used over the years, as well as an FAQ list. "What advice do you have for a photographer that's just starting out?" "Stay close to home." (She goes on to elaborate.)

The stories, though, are interesting, much like those in A Camera, Two Kids, and a Camel. Because Leibovitz has such a clean writing style, and her subjects are often celebrities, the book is a pleasant read, and every bit the unique addition to my library I was hoping for. Now that I've spent some time with it, I actually prefer that the book isn't bigger; it's much easier to sit back and spend time with it this way.

Getting back to the images, some of them really stayed with me. Besides the famous shot of Demi Moore that became a cover of Vanity Fair, there's another one, straight on, with the top of the naked actress fully exposed. A shot of Arnold Schwarzenegger on a white stallion looks like something from Herbert List. A simple portrait of Patti Smith has the revealing facial details and expression like the best work of Richard Avedon. Then there's a 1980s photo of Rev. Al Sharpton getting his hair done at a beauty salon. Made me laugh out loud.

I know many of these shots have been published before, but it is interesting to be able to flip from one to the other.

Here's the chapter list:

1. Nixon's Resignation
2. The Rolling Stones
3. John and Yoko
4. Conceptual Pictures
5. Advertising
6. Al Sharpton
7. Arnold Schwarzenegger
8. Dance
9. Demi Moore
10. Performance
11. Peak Performance
12. War
13. O.J. Simpson
14. Impromptu
15. Patti Smith
16. Fashion
17. Nudes
18. Groups
19. Presence and Charisma
20. Being There
21. My Mother
22. Sarah
23. Susan
24. Hollywood
25. The Queen
26. The Process
27. The Road West
28. Equipment
29. Ten Most-Asked Questions
30. Publishing History

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This book needed to be written
By Sue Moran
And AL probably couldn't have written it. She spoke of her work and Sharon Delano, properly credited, edited AL's comments into this wonderful book. Makes you feel like you are in a room talking to Leibovitz. It is a beautiful book to hold and read and AL comes across as a hard-working student of photography who has matured into a modest superstar with unlimited access to celebrities who nonetheless is pulled to photograph life's more substantive subjects. The range of her work is astonishing and her personal stories are enlightening. A wonderful, inspiring book for anyone interested in photography.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Michele McGlone
I loved this book when I took it out of the library when it was first published. I found it so inspiring ! I made this purchase as part of a wedding gift to a bride and groom who are photographers and they absolutely loved it.

What I loved about this book, besides the wondeful photographs, is that Ms. L describes her process and a lot of the decision and ideas she worked through to make her pictures.

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[P195.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz Doc
[P195.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Annie Leibovitz at Work, by Annie Leibovitz Doc

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The Parts Store: TG World Gender Transformation, by Robyn Rhedd

Sam felt rather unsatisfied with his life. But an unplanned visit to The Parts Store soon changed everything. He met a mysterious woman with a special tonic designed to solve his little problem. But shortly after, he discovered his legs and feet had become oddly feminine. It seemed he was slowly transforming, part by part, into a woman -- with no way of stopping it.

  • Sales Rank: #204943 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-31
  • Released on: 2015-03-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
I Highly Recommend for Gender Transformation Fans.
By K Marcks
Five stars for sure.

Possibly some spoilers below.


I have only one negative, so I'll say it first. Personally I wish Sam would have settled for C cup size at the most. I've never been a fan of Double D.

Other than that the book is the best gender transformation I've read. Usually the transformation happens all at once, typically overnight. In this book, it happens part by part and, although I'm usually not big on magic, the magic in this story is believable. There is time to explore some feelings and face the reactions of others.

I could have missed some, but I caught not one spelling or word usage error and not one typo. There were just a couple places near the end where indentation seemed to be a bit of a problem.

I read the whole book in about one day, barely able to leave it for long.

It leaves you hanging a bit, with some mysteries yet to be solved, but sufficiently stands alone. I recommend.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Remember the one thing we all share.
By music fan
New way to help and explain what can be a gut wrenching decision for some. Especially enjoyed the way the book deals with what I consider the inner shame that we all deal with rather we admit It or not. Shame keeps so many of us hiding behind locked doors and . We all deal with this differently but we all follow the same course, inevitably step out at different times. If we step out at all. The author take the subject at hand and I found the approach more than entertaining. As an old English professor told me was the way to sell books was easy. Find a difficult subject, explain it in a new way, and foremost write what you believe. From the heart. I the truly commend authors. Thank You. From my heart: Shelby Anne Collins

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This was a really good book I loved it
By Prince
This was a really good book I loved it. It was quite funny and reminded me a bit about myself. Sam was one of the most unaware person ill ever read about. The story ending was good as well. Penelope was a very funny character added to this story. I was happy to find out that somehow Miss Feleen was still alive. I wish that there was a trilogy on this book.

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Selasa, 27 April 2010

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Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Through the stories this book contains, you will get to know God and how much He loves the world and all the beautiful things He has placed in it.

  • Sales Rank: #822844 in Books
  • Color: White
  • Brand: Catholic Book Publishing Corp
  • Published on: 1983-01-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.40" h x 1.20" w x 6.50" l, 1.45 pounds
  • Binding: Leather Bound
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

97 of 110 people found the following review helpful.
Please read carefully before giving to children
By Shopper in Richmond
Please be very sure to read this book carefully before giving it to children. I have an older version of this book, edited by Sr. Mary Theola, that is wrought with modernist theological commentary.

She doesn't just tell the Bible stories, she tells children what to think about the stories (such as they are just stories and didn't literally happen that way). Here is an example of her writing regarding the creation of Adam and Eve:

"Here again we have the inspired writer telling us an interesting story about our first parents. We must keep in mind that the story is being told for a religious purpose and that it is most important that we understand correctly the truths this Biblical writer wants to teach us. In saying that God formed man from the dust of the earth, he does not mean that God actually molded a man's body out of clay. We can be fairly sure that the writer did not actually believe this. Neither did he believe that woman was really made from man's ribs..."

This commentary is the personal opinion of the auther and is pure conjecture. It is not the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Yet how is a child to know that this is just a theologian's personal opinion vs. the official teaching of the Church? After all, it says "Catholic" on it...

Please, before buying this book, contact the publisher and ask whether it contains commentary by Sr. Mary Theola. If you do acquire this book, please be sure to read it before giving it to children. Don't just trust it because it says "Catholic."

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Bought this bible for my daughter's First Holy Communion. It arrived quickly and was just as beautiful as it is shown online! There are a lot of pictures in the Bible which is great for kids. Loved it!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Just the right size and content
By GrandmaReadyReader
Concise history of God's people.
Beautiful color pictures and easy to read print for young ones.
My grandchildren will really enjoy these stories over and over.

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Kamis, 22 April 2010

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Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications, by C. David Whiteman

Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications offers first an introduction to the basic principles and concepts of mountain meteorology, then goes on to discuss their application in natural resources management. It includes over two hundred beautiful, full-color photographs, figures, and diagrams, as well as observable indicators of atmospheric processes--such as winds, temperature, and clouds--to facilitate the recognition of weather systems and events for a variety of readers. It is ideal for those who spend time in or near mountains and whose daily activities are affected by weather. As a comprehensive work filled with diverse examples and colorful illustrations, it is essential for professionals, scholars, and students of meteorology.

  • Sales Rank: #1111257 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-05-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.30" h x 1.00" w x 11.10" l, 3.08 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 355 pages


"Whiteman has grasped an opportunity to compile a broad text covering all aspects of mountain meteorology in a general way, and three selected aspects in specific ways. His efforts are to be applauded and enjoyed. This book represents a significant advance over available books on the topic, and will be warmly welcomed by its intended audience." -- Prof Douw Steyn, University of British Columbia, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

"In this book, the author and his fellow contributors have done a very credible job explaining many of the unique phenomena associated with the mountain environment. Both the clear explanations and an overall manner that makes reading this book a very agreeable learning experience are credits to the author and his editor. This is indeed a book that someone interested in mountain weather would find very useful and informative. Clearly written, well organized, and appropriately illustrated, it is well worth the read."--Kenneth Rancourt, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

"C. David Whiteman ... has used his expertise to help not just hikers but anyone understand and, in some cases, forecast weather. It's available in his book ... 'I find that when I hike, I get more enjoyment if I can start to recognize things like the wildflowers,' Whiteman said. 'There's never been anyone who has done that for mountain weather, and I thought it would be nice to have the people who read the book be able to recognize the weather features around them and help them predict.' At 355 pages, this is no guidebook to toss in your backpack. Rather, it's a textbook that sent me back to school and those days of ... yellow highlighter pens. But don't let the size of this hardcover intimidate you because Whiteman makes weather, especially those mesmerizing graphics they flash on the Weather Channel, easier to comprehend. ... [A] book for hikers, campers, farmers, pilots, firefighters and anyone who watches TV to see what the weather forecast is for tomorrow."--Tri-City Herald

About the Author

C. David Whiteman is a Staff Scientist at the United States Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington, where he does research in mountain meteorology, boundary layer meteorology, and air pollution meteorology. He also teaches meteorology at Washington State University, is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, and serves as an editor of the Journal of Applied Meteorology.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Review of Mountain Meteorology
I am a professional Certified Consulting Meteorologist and I found this book exceptionally well written and informative. It covers a number of subtopics of interest to people who live, work or play in mountainous regions and who are interested in better understanding the unique meteorological phenomena observed in these areas. It is non mathematical but very descriptive and well illustrated with diagrams and photographs.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A Excellent, Updated View of Meteorology
By TrustChrist
This book is really much more than simply a discussion of mountain weather. This book introduces the layperson and professional alike to the complex interaction between terrain and the atmosphere, both on the global and regional scale. In a clean well written manner, with lots of informative graphics, Whiteman goes beyond many of the simplistic coffeetable books, but never leaves understanding and clarity behind.
This book goes a long way to introduce the public to a New Meteorology - one in which airflow is understood not to behave like water, but a new realization that even a simple breeze around a hill can exhibit complex eddys, counterflows, and dynamic reactions to the surface.
This work demonstrates the value of a Meteorology that combines a new geophysical understanding with real world applications in firefighting, pest control, environmental preservation, land management, and I dare say, field geology.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Very Useful Reference
By A Customer
This book is well written. It is a useful reference for those who forecast for mountainous locations. The book is organized in small, discrete sections without lots of unneeded derivations. Lots of useful graphics and illustrations make this one of the most used books on my shelf. It is also quite useful for teaching others how weather is modified by terrain.

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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

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The Case of the Sleeping Beauty, by Richard Walmsley

Inspector Beppe Stancato, driven from his native Calabria by threats from his local mafia, finds himself appointed commissario in the town of Pescara, in Abruzzo, just prior to the earthquake which struck the mountain capital city of L'Aquila in 2009. The unexpected discovery of a twenty-two year old girl, lying drugged and unconscious, sparks off a complex investigation involving a seismologist accused of manslaughter and a fugitive mafia boss suspected of involvement in illegal building contracts. The girl is soon nicknamed 'The Sleeping Beauty' by the investigating team - after the Gran Sasso mountain range, uncannily reminiscent of the prone figure of a sleeping woman. Beppe is faced with the task of saving the girl whilst outwitting the crooked seismologist and the wily Mafioso. His own personal life is anything but straightforward. Will he be able to live up to the expectations of his new team of police officers whilst dealing with the shadows of his own past life? The intriguing plot has many twists and turns leading to a tense climax. The story is laced with humour and exalts the spectacular scenery and cuisine of this central region of Italy.

  • Sales Rank: #1559132 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .56" w x 5.51" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 246 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Kindle Customer
Brilliant, such an exciting read and full of suspense. I really do recommend reading this book, living the Italian life as well as intrigue and mystery. I look forward to reading another Beppe Stancato story.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Worth a read.....you will enjoy!
By Rosa Storelli
Love being taken back into the Italian world with all its idiosyncratic behaviours and glorious expressions! I want to read on....

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From hypertension and diabetes to sleep disorders, nutrition, and care of the cancer patient, The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine, 2nd Edition, guides you through evaluation and management of dozens of the most common medical problems encountered in outpatient internal medicine. Written by nearly 100 house staff and faculty from Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital, this updated title is a companion to The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics and features a similar time-saving format for easy reference.


  • Quickly find the information you need with color-enhanced, templated chapters; numerous tables and figures; and an easy-to-read, bulleted format.
  • Be prepared for the common ambulatory medical problems you’re likely to encounter, as well as other issues that you may see in everyday practice, such as dermatology, otolaryngology, neurology and psychiatry, ophthalmology, pain management, geriatrics, allergy, alcohol abuse, smoking cessation, and more.
  • Stay current thanks to thorough updates of each evidence-based chapter by authors who are specialists in their respective fields.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:
  • Complete content with enhanced navigation 
  • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
  • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
  • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
  • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
  • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

  • Sales Rank: #45143 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.20" h x 5.30" w x 8.30" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 1028 pages

Weighted Numerical Score: 96/100 - 4 Stars!
This is an update of the 2010 first edition of the The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine. This and other manuals from Washington University continue to be the go-to pocket references for housestaff in residency training programs.
The stated purpose is to provide a reference on the common ambulatory medical problems encountered in the outpatient office as well as a companion to The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 34th edition, Godara et al. (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014).
Although the focus remains on the needs of the medicine housestaff of Washington University/Barnes-Jewish Hospital, this is a helpful pocket reference for all who practice outpatient medicine, including general internal medicine specialists or subspecialists. While not positioned as such, it is also a mine of essential information for family medicine physicians and physician assistants. Additionally, it is a tremendous reference source for subspecialists, as it incorporates many details that they would not have the opportunity to stay on top of.
Very much like its predecessor, this is an easy-to-use, pocket-sized manual for house officers. The chapters are divided according to the usual organ systems. Each chapter has sections on the general principles of relevant anatomy and physiology, how to make the diagnosis, how to treat, and what follow-up is appropriate. There are simple figures and tables of relevant comparisons, along with a superb index.
This is an excellent book for housestaff and attendings who practice in the outpatient setting. I recommend it highly to all. It is exceptionally easy to carry, use, and find information with minimal effort. The Inkling version is extremely handy and easy to use.
Reviewed by Vincent F Carr, DO, MSA, FACC, FACP(Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences) on behalf of Doody's Review Service

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A must have!!
By Pseudobliss
My collaborative MD thought this book would be an excellent resource. He has 20years of ER and Internal medicine experience. This book did not let me down. It's well organized and easy to read. It will remain a part of my resource library for many years to come!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
excellent book. well organized and easy to use
excellent book.well organized and easy to use.

5 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Another valuable edition
By lenornak
As a graduate of Washington University School of Medicine, and a specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics, I have found the Wash U manuals to be incredibly helpful and reliable. This edition, although dedicated to outpatient medical care, is another link in a long and proud tradition. Inpatient care is less frequent, so physicians are treating patients with much more severe illness in the outpatient setting. New medications, imaging and lab tests make outpatient care much more complicated and this reference much more valuable.

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Jumat, 09 April 2010

[Z676.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Devotional Islam and Politics in British India: Ahmed Riza Khan Barelvi and His Movement, 1870-1920, by Usha Sanyal

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Devotional Islam and Politics in British India: Ahmed Riza Khan Barelvi and His Movement, 1870-1920, by Usha Sanyal

Indian Muslims in the nineteenth century lived in an era of great political, social and economic change brought about by colonial rule. North Indian scholars of the Islamic sciences attributed the Muslim loss of political power to moral weaknesses within their own community. This study examines the ways in which one important school of theologians attempted to shape the renewal of their community, and is based on a close examination of the works of its leading scholar.

  • Sales Rank: #9461724 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-09-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.81" h x 1.15" w x 5.81" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 380 pages


"Students, teachers, historians, and policy makers on South Asia should read this indispensable research."--Religious Studies Review

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Jumat, 02 April 2010

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G. I. Kunz's,R. E. Glock's Apparel Manufacturing 4th(fourth) edition (Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis, 4th Edition [Paperback]

Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis, 4th Edition [Paperback] Grace I. Kunz (Author),Ruth E. Glock (Author)

  • Sales Rank: #5200414 in Books
  • Published on: 2004
  • Binding: Paperback

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