Selasa, 27 April 2010

[G658.Ebook] Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

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Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

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Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman

Through the stories this book contains, you will get to know God and how much He loves the world and all the beautiful things He has placed in it.

  • Sales Rank: #822844 in Books
  • Color: White
  • Brand: Catholic Book Publishing Corp
  • Published on: 1983-01-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.40" h x 1.20" w x 6.50" l, 1.45 pounds
  • Binding: Leather Bound
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

97 of 110 people found the following review helpful.
Please read carefully before giving to children
By Shopper in Richmond
Please be very sure to read this book carefully before giving it to children. I have an older version of this book, edited by Sr. Mary Theola, that is wrought with modernist theological commentary.

She doesn't just tell the Bible stories, she tells children what to think about the stories (such as they are just stories and didn't literally happen that way). Here is an example of her writing regarding the creation of Adam and Eve:

"Here again we have the inspired writer telling us an interesting story about our first parents. We must keep in mind that the story is being told for a religious purpose and that it is most important that we understand correctly the truths this Biblical writer wants to teach us. In saying that God formed man from the dust of the earth, he does not mean that God actually molded a man's body out of clay. We can be fairly sure that the writer did not actually believe this. Neither did he believe that woman was really made from man's ribs..."

This commentary is the personal opinion of the auther and is pure conjecture. It is not the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Yet how is a child to know that this is just a theologian's personal opinion vs. the official teaching of the Church? After all, it says "Catholic" on it...

Please, before buying this book, contact the publisher and ask whether it contains commentary by Sr. Mary Theola. If you do acquire this book, please be sure to read it before giving it to children. Don't just trust it because it says "Catholic."

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Bought this bible for my daughter's First Holy Communion. It arrived quickly and was just as beautiful as it is shown online! There are a lot of pictures in the Bible which is great for kids. Loved it!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Just the right size and content
By GrandmaReadyReader
Concise history of God's people.
Beautiful color pictures and easy to read print for young ones.
My grandchildren will really enjoy these stories over and over.

See all 18 customer reviews...

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Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman Kindle

[G658.Ebook] Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman Doc

[G658.Ebook] Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman Doc

[G658.Ebook] Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman Doc
[G658.Ebook] Download Catholic Children's Bible-NAB, by Mary Theola Zimmerman Doc

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