Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

[Z167.Ebook] Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

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Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

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Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B.

This book is about the revelation of OCCOULIA to me during vision quests from 2007 to 2014. OCCOULIA is something that I know will be of great benefit to man. What was revealed to me named itself OCCOULIA, which is a philosophy, paradigm and a programming language used to program what we call "reality".

OCCOULIA has changed my life and the lives of hundreds of people since that time. It has helped me beat and reverse type 2 diabetes, which the doctor told me was incurable, and because of which I would have to take medications for the rest of my life. It was only as a result of applying OCCOULIA that I was able to finally beat and reversed this disease without ever having to take medication for it once!

How I used OCCOULIA to beat diabetes, including nutrition and lifestyle changes will be discussed in my next book “How I Beat Diabetes Naturally ,” which will be published approximately a month from the publishing of this book. (Go to the link above to get on our book launch notification list)

This book is about the revelation of OCCOULIA, the lead up to the revelation, what is OCCOULIA, and a vision of a new world based on the paradigm and philosophy of OCCOULIA.

Thus, this book is divided into three (3) main parts:

1.The Vision Quest, the Revelation of OCCOULIA, and Matrix-Five...

2.What is OCCOULIA? The OCCOULIA Paradigm, Philosophy and the OCCOULIA programming language (construct) itself.

3.A Vision of New Possibilities and a New World!

In the first part of this book, I will give a little of the back story and context that eventually led to me writing this book. It is not mandatory that you read this part of the book, but I strongly advise that you read it not only for context but because many of you may relate to what this book is about. Many of you who are drawn to this book and subject matter are like me, what I refer to as a “Moorpheus” and/or a “Neotype”.

Briefly, “Moorpheus” and “Neotype” are titles I created for the two types or stages in the changes that will soon affect the world. A “Neotype” is the title given to a person who feels somewhat out of place and like they do not fit into the 9-5, organized religion, organized science matrix.

Neotypes sense that they have greater powers and greater purpose than what they have been taught, but it is obscured by the prevailing consensus reality, and thus they are searching for who they really are, and what their purpose is. Neotypes almost always feel as if they have a special purpose and often feel that they are not fulfilling that purpose nor manifesting their full potential.

Neotypes also feel that not only can they change/save the world, but they feel it is their duty to change/save the world. If you feel this way, you are a “Neotype” and this book may hold the answers, you seek, and how to discover your true purpose and unleash you full power and potential. This book is for you and will surely change your life as well as put you in contact with a line of study and a group of other “Neotypes” from around the world. You are not alone! *

A “Moorpheus” is one who seeks out “Neotypes” in order to start them solidly on the path of fulfilling their role in the world changes that must take place. A “Moorpheus” first empathizes with the “Neotype” because he/she has already passed through the “Neotype” stage, and then begins to teach and train the “Neotype” in OCCOULIA.

The OCCOULIA course of study takes place in the newly created OCCOULIA University where the “Neotype” learns both the OCCOULIA programming language and philosophy. This will not only put the “Neotype” in contact with others of like mind, but will give them the knowledge and tools they need to discover self, purpose. The practice of OCCOULIA will also increase a Neotype’s ability to fulfill their duty of changing their own world and thus change the world at large.

I am searching for you “Neotypes”, and I have created OCCOULIA University just for you!

  • Sales Rank: #884053 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-04-09
  • Released on: 2014-04-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
An Extended Marketing Brochure
By Divine Conduit of Source Energy
I gave this book two stars simply because if there are people who have no concept of metaphysics or quantum physics, there will be a few take aways in terms of knowledge from this book. I had the opportunity to read the Secret of Secrets that was released a couple of years ago and 90% of this book is regurgitated from the previous book. It also gives no real details of how to apply the method, other than joining the university. It leaves me to question the actual validity of the "revelations" that the author is receiving. If there are days spent writing from "wisdom", I would expect more. However, I also understand that there are many out here that do not know themselves and I surmise that this quick read could be their path to explore further. The main reason that I rated that I didn't like it is because the author gives the declaration that "all must learn Occoulia", this is just as all the religions that state "their way is THE way". There are many paths of awakening and if Occoulia is it for him and others that is fine, but it isn't the only method of knowing yourself. The changing of ones mind is always the first step of any true change, and if writing symbols and stories is what works for some, that isn't unbelievable. I have grown exhausted of "teachers" that don't have faith in their purpose to say, "this is what I did, it may or may not work for you--but if you resonate with me, give it a shot".

I would not recommend this book because I know many others that provide an "introduction to metaphysics and knowing yourself" that are better written, not redundant and also open the path up without the declarations of theirs being the RIGHT one.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Change your reality
By T. R.
Very pertinent information regarding programming this virtual reality called life. You can basically overwrite the zodiac because it is a default program.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great use of computer analogy!
By Karl G
Information in this book is not new but does provide another way to understand the power one holds. There are several approaches to mastering this reality, this book can be a foundation but is not all inclusive. I did not learn anything new here but it was a great refresher for me to stay the course. Open your mind.....Moorpheus is leading you to truth.

See all 47 customer reviews...

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. PDF
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. EPub
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Doc
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. iBooks
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. rtf
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Mobipocket
Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Kindle

[Z167.Ebook] Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Doc

[Z167.Ebook] Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Doc

[Z167.Ebook] Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Doc
[Z167.Ebook] Ebook Download Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA (Secret of Secret Series), by Moorpheus H. B. Doc

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