Senin, 13 Mei 2013

[X458.Ebook] Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

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Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

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Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner

25% of this book's proceeds will be donated to two military charities: the Special Operation Warrior Foundation and the Sua Sponte Foundation.

This book is the complete beginner's guide to long range shooting written in simple every-day language so that it's easy to follow. Included are personal tips and best advice from my years of special operations sniper schooling and experience, and as a sniper instructor.

If you are an experienced shooter, this guide will be a resource covering the principles and theory of long range shooting. This is the preliminary book to help you understand fundamental concepts such as MOA vs Mils and external ballistics, that can be like a trusted resource at the range.

Learning to shoot long range isn t that difficult. Once you understand the basics, you can start to master your technique and you ll be hitting targets in no time.

The author has a series of online instructional videos known for their ability to take seemingly complex areas of long range shooting and breaking them down so that they're easy to understand. This book was motivated by the feedback from those videos.

This book is the complete beginner's guide to long range shooting written in simple every-day language so that it's easy to follow. Included are personal tips and best advice from my years of special operations sniper schooling and experience, and as a sniper instructor.

If you are an experienced shooter, this guide will be a resource covering the principles and theory of long range shooting. This is the preliminary book to help you understand fundamental concepts such as MOA vs Mils and external ballistics, that can be like a trusted resource at the range.

Learning to shoot long range isn’t that difficult. Once you understand the basics, you can start to master your technique and you’ll be hitting targets in no time.

The author has a series of online instructional videos known for their ability to take seemingly complex areas of long range shooting and breaking them down so that they're easy to understand. This book was motivated by the feedback from those videos.

The handbook is broken down into three main categories: What it is/How it works, Fundamentals, and How to use it. "What it is/How it works" covers equipment, terminology, and basic principles. "Fundamentals" covers the theory of long range shooting. "How to use it" gives you practical advice on how to implement what you've learned so far to make you a long range shooter.

"Whether you're looking to dip a toe into the complex world of long range shooting, or you're a seasoned shooter with years of trigger time, Ryan Cleckner's book will prove to be excellent reference material. Well written and easy to understand, it covers all the essential topics that a well rounded shooter needs to master." --Iain Harrison, Editor, Recoil Magazine

  • Sales Rank: #4731 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-02-01
  • Released on: 2016-02-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Cleckner has a gift for teaching.  I have repeatedly seen contestants on Top Shot and guests at Texas Triggers excel under his instruction.  He explains seemingly complex topics in a tangible way that just makes sense." -- Colby Donaldson, Host, History Channel's "Top Shot" TV Show

Whether you're looking to dip a toe into the complex world of long range shooting, or you're a seasoned shooter with years of trigger time, Ryan Cleckner's book will prove to be excellent reference material. Well written and easy to understand, it covers all the essential topics that a well rounded shooter needs to master. --Iain Harrison, Editor, Recoil Magazine

About the Author
Ryan Cleckner served as a special operations sniper team leader with the U.S. Army's elite 1st Ranger Bn. on multiple combat deployments. Ryan is a graduate of the premier Special Operations Target Interdiction Course (SOTIC), among other military training courses, and has taught snipers and police sharpshooters from around the world. Ryan has a series of online instructional videos known for their ability to explain complex topics in a simple and digestible way. Ryan is currently a firearms industry professional and an attorney.

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Recommend, especially for beginning shooters
By Kim
A Well written, layman's language and portable, so as to bring with you to the range as Handbook / Reference. Recommend, especially for beginning shooters. Also checkout Mr. Cleckner's Instructional Shooting Videos on YOUTUBE, the B-E-S-T!!!

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
The best handbook in existence.
The Long Range Shooting Handbook gives a clear-cut, no B.S approach and explanation to the fundamentals of long range shooting. The amount I've learned from this book almost equals the volume of information contained therein.

It's reassuring to know as you read that Ryan is a man of experience unparalleled by other sources of information on this subject. As he mentions, his methods may start internet flame wars, but then, what do they really know? In this book, you won't find any useless, exclusive, sophisticated methods, but, rather, the straight truths and ways of the rifleman's art. Ryan learned this art in an occupation where his life and others' depended on the outcome. He is without question a master in this field.

Another thing to note is that many books on this subject which are introductory level, which the Long Range Shooting Handbook is meant to be, spend the whole book saying, "In (book, course, etc.) you will learn...," wasting space with useless photos, or bragging of the author's achievements. In reading Cleckner's book, you will forget it is even intended as a "beginners guide to precision rifle shooting." The cover should read, "An extremely comprehensive handbook guide to long range shooting." And yet it still remains accessible to the beginner.

With such a huge success in a beginners handbook, I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming sequel.

You won't find a more comprehensive and valuable guide to the subject of long range shooting in layman's terms anywhere. Period. If you consider yourself proficient in rifle shooting, do yourself a favor and buy this book. You'll find important concepts you had no idea of explained in a way you will understand and easily be able to apply and take your shooting skills to the next level.

Another plus for Ryan is that, while he recommends products, he doesn't spam, and only recommends tools of genuine usefulness. I've read some books that felt more like a catalog. None of that here!

I could go on forever, but, I've got shooting to do. The Long Range Shooting Handbook will be the absolute best purchase decision you've made for you shooting gear bag in quite some time. You won't regret it, and you won't be able to put it down.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
It's definitely a beneficial book for those who are starting ...
By Amazon Customer
It's definitely a beneficial book for those who are starting out or considering getting into long range shooting. Being a long range shooter myself and having the knowledge and experience that Ryan has written about, I can say that he has given clarity and detail, so that, even the novice shooter can become effective at distances well past the standard 100yrd. shot. The pic is a 3 shot group out of a factory Savage LRP .260 at 1250yrds., that I made, using the same info that Ryan has given in his book. Aim small, hit small. Be safe!

See all 149 customer reviews...

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[X458.Ebook] Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner Doc

[X458.Ebook] Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner Doc

[X458.Ebook] Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner Doc
[X458.Ebook] Fee Download Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting, by Ryan Cleckner Doc

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