Sabtu, 15 November 2014

[T537.Ebook] Fee Download Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

Fee Download Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

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Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

Fee Download Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

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Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling

From the author of the beloved New York Times bestselling book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? and the creator and star of The Mindy Project comes a collection of essays that are as hilarious and insightful as they are deeply personal.
In Why Not Me?, Kaling shares her ongoing journey to find contentment and excitement in her adult life, whether it’s falling in love at work, seeking new friendships in lonely places, attempting to be the first person in history to lose weight without any behavior modification whatsoever, or most important, believing that you have a place in Hollywood when you’re constantly reminded that no one looks like you.
In “How to Look Spectacular: A Starlet’s Confessions,” Kaling gives her tongue-in-cheek secrets for surefire on-camera beauty, (“Your natural hair color may be appropriate for your skin tone, but this isn’t the land of appropriate–this is Hollywood, baby. Out here, a dark-skinned woman’s traditional hair color is honey blonde.”) “Player” tells the story of Kaling being seduced and dumped by a female friend in L.A. (“I had been replaced by a younger model. And now they had matching bangs.”) In “Unlikely Leading Lady,” she muses on America’s fixation with the weight of actresses, (“Most women we see onscreen are either so thin that they’re walking clavicles or so huge that their only scenes involve them breaking furniture.”) And in “Soup Snakes,” Kaling spills some secrets on her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and close friend, B.J. Novak (“I will freely admit: my relationship with B.J. Novak is weird as hell.”)
Mindy turns the anxieties, the glamour, and the celebrations of her second coming-of-age into a laugh-out-loud funny collection of essays that anyone who’s ever been at a turning point in their life or career can relate to. And those who’ve never been at a turning point can skip to the parts where she talks about meeting Bradley Cooper.

  • Sales Rank: #3442 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-09-27
  • Released on: 2016-09-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .66" w x 5.19" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages Review

An Amazon Best Book of September 2015: In Why Not Me? Mindy Kaling has solidified her position as “most valuable friend.” Just like Mindy, these essays are exuberantly funny, deeply introspective and refreshingly thoughtful. From her relationship with BJ Novak and the guy who worked for the president, to creating her TV show and announcing the Emmy nominations, Mindy’s just-between-us-friends approach makes you love her just a little bit more after each story, and you’ll even question if Mindy is your soup snake. By all conventional measures Mindy Kaling should not be where she is, and that is the beauty of the stories she shares—“Work hard, know your shit, show your shit, and then feel entitled.” Accessible and empowering, Why Not Me? makes you want to stand up and shout, “Why not me, too?”--Deborah Bass

“Kaling has written a second book that’s funnier, sharper and more confident than her 2011 collection of personal essays and pop culture riffs called Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns).  Even the title of that initial effort implied that Kaling was trying to find her place; the tone of this new one announces that she’s found it and is more than comfortable inviting people to spend time with her there.”—Washington Post

“Funny, thoughtful essays and anecdotes written in the star’s trademark voice. But this time around, things are just little more grown-up…This is Kaling at the height of her power.”—USA Today

 “Mindy Kaling may be gearing up for the fourth season of her TV show, The Mindy Project, but that didn't deter her from writing another wildly entertaining and completely relatable book… Her first memoir, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns), spent time on several best-seller lists. Why Not Me? will certainly follow in its footsteps.”—Associated Press

“Hilarious…Kaling knows her strengths, and plays to them brilliantly…Aside from that effortlessly conversational tone and her pitch-perfect humor, Kaling’s biggest strength here is curatorial. She gives us the candy we came for – the advice, the anecdotes, the straight talk on body image – but sprinkles in something extra.”—Entertainment Weekly, A-

“Why Not Me? is all that we've come to expect from the creator and star of The Mindy Project: refreshing, confident, genuine, and, yes, absolutely hilarious.” —Refinery29 

“…insightful personal essays from one of Hollywood's cleverest writers… Intrepid and often irreverent, Kaling humbly probes her own triumphs and defeats with laugh-out-loud results”. —Kirkus Reviews

“Kaling's irreverent take on life is both uproariously funny and dead-on…Advice on a variety of topics—including why extensions make everyone more beautiful and how the world needs to start assuming that all young women are confident—make this an empowering and entertaining read.”—Publishers Weekly

About the Author
MINDY KALING lives in rural New Hampshire and does not own a TV.

From the Hardcover edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
I wasted no time diving into her second
By Lisa M. Gott
After devouring Mindy’s first book in two sittings, I wasted no time diving into her second, Why Not Me?

Why Not Me definitely has a different tone that her debut. And that wasn’t a bad thing at all. After all, Mindy had matured in age, in wisdom, and certainly in experience, so naturally so did her writing.

I didn’t find myself laughing out loud as much, and yet I loved this, in many ways, even more than her first. Again, there is this relatability to her writing. As if you aren’t just one of Mindy’s fans or readers or even close friends. It’s like she is you long-lost sister.

Mindy continues to share details of her life and how she has gotten to where she is. But she also opens her heart up even more widely and invites us in. To her fears. To her desires. And even to things she isn’t all that proud of. She is honest and I found myself nodding in agreement to so much of what she talks about.

This isn’t just a light and fluffy book of comedic essays about life. While, yes, she has a very quirky and fun sense of humor, she also tackles a lot of serious issues – bullying, body image issues, finding true love, and balancing work and life, as well as many other issues.

Mindy is a talented. Period. And so very driven. She has the very unique way of inspiring and touching us deeply, while simultaneously giving us a smile and a chuckle.

Why Not Me? was a compelling, insightful, and provocative look inside the amazing life of a truly amazing person. I hope that she will continue to share her story with us. I have to admit that I was a little taken aback when I reached the end. I wanted, no needed, more Mindy.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Claudia
I LOVE, love, LOVE, Mindy Kaling.

She has this incredible ability to make you laugh, cry, and make you feel great about yourself all at the same time. She knows that hard work, in the end, is truly what matters. And that when you're working hard, it's ok to show off. She talks about her body with confidence and a voice that says, "ok, let's stop talking about my body." Because Mindy Kaling is not just a woman repping curvy women, she's a woman repping hard working people in general.

The chapter about her relationship with BJ kills me because I am THE BIGGEST Mindy and BJ shipper. I just love them. I think even if they never get married and have adorable babies, they need to stay together in one way or another for the rest of their lives because they build each other up and complement each other in magical ways.

It took me about 2 months to read this book. Not because it was a slow read or because I needed that much time to actually read it. I would pull it out of my purse once or twice a week and read a new section in order to make it last as long as possible. It's such a comfort read and there's no plot to keep track off so it's perfect for a bit of a long read.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
An Excellent Role Model
Mindy Kaling is an exceptionally intelligent woman who has worked hard for her success in an industry that's been famously unfriendly to women. Her book is mostly not about that. Instead, it's a deceptively hilarious extended meditation on how she from bribing classmates to like her with Skittles at the age of 12 she became the force of nature that she is. In Hollywood, which believes its own fictions about what the world wants from female writers of comedy and even more about what it wants from female TV icons, she's done what every woman in the TV business must have thought was impossible: created her success by hard work and being herself. She was there before Lena Dunham and before Amy Schumer.

This book is funny, so maybe a younger person might miss the recurring message: to achieve success, MK had to pick her priorities (make sacrifices) at every turn. Near the end of the book, there's an excellent account of how she learned the difference at a young age between earned success and unearned self-esteem, which is something many parents today don't understand.

How did she learn to rise above her own insecurities? By refusing to concede that other people's ideas about what she was entitled to achieve were more valid than her own--and by hard work, sleepless nights, and knowing what she wanted. Most important, she emphasises the absolute and seldom acknowledged connection between self confidence and self acceptance and hard work plus tenacity. And yet on the surface, it's a funny book that's not about any of those things.

I liked it. Any ambitious young woman would benefit from reading this.

She's an excellent role model for any young woman who wants to learn how to get there (or anywhere) from here.

See all 1223 customer reviews...

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[T537.Ebook] Fee Download Why Not Me?, by Mindy Kaling Doc

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